Saturday, January 26, 2008

"Politicians are like diapers."

"They should be changed frequently, and for the same reasons."

I can afford two posts today. This is due to the fact that I'm currently at a location where the connection is virtually free, and the access isn't restricted by workload that is under a tight deadline.

Anyhow, the quote above is from this movie that had Robin Williams play a comedian named Tom Dobb - a comedian that ran for the position of president of the United States of America.

As you can obviously tell by now, the movie struck a chord with me. Maybe, because of its similarities with Stephen Colbert's satirical campaign, and my devious wishes that it was something a little more than a lampooning.

However, in retrospect, I think the fascination on my part is mostly due to the ability of William's character, Tom Dobb, to walk away from something without fear. Sure of himself and his detour, as long as his previous direction went against things, concepts, and values he held dear.

He said it all so concisely and more effectively in a different scene in the movie. Unfortunately, I can't quite quote it exactly at the moment. The verbage elludes me. So pardon me for my pathetic attempt at paraphrasing it.

He said, in essence, that jokes loose their meaning if you run fake laughter over it.

Upon hearing that from him, I sat, I thought, I drank my glass of water, and I smiled. Now that's entertainment.

"For everything else..."

Formula for bout of depression and loss of faith in humanity: watch The Future of Food, Robert Newman's A History of Oil, and Idiocracy in succession. Yes, at times I find myself with time by which I can do stupid things to my psyche.

Formula for dose of pure, spasmic joy: carry 5 week-old nephew in arms until he falls asleep. Mastercard got that advertisement of theirs dead-on. Some things/moments are priceless.

Good night little monkey. May you not grow feathers.

Friday, January 25, 2008

"That which I would do, I do not..."

"...and that which I do not, I do. Oh, wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this depth?"

I really hate it when I'm getting torn in multiple directions. It's been proven time and again, that I collapse under stress when I'm in a situation where so many things in my life try to pull me in so many directions.

Right now, I really just want Kristine to understand that she is not separate from the family; rather, she is a part of it, and that she needs to be comfortable in it, and she needs to live her life in it, and share her spirit with it.

Honestly, I'm still disappointed that I haven't seen her carry my nephew in her arms. But, that's just me being a shallow, overtly-proud uncle.

The truth is, I truly understand her point, and her point of view. I see where she's coming from. And I know in the depths of my heart that she deserves my time and attention. Still, I hope that she understands that there are places I have to be, and there are relationships other than ours, that I have to fix.

I just wish that she would be more willing to part with me from time to time.

Family are the only guaranteed people to be around you until you age, and you don't want your relationship with them to sour, or be too far detached from what it originally was.

Entropy dictates that everything will break down. I truly believe that. Based on the time that I've been away, I've a lot of ground to make-up for, and to cover.

I hope she understands that I'm trying to do what the prodigal son did, and come back home, in a sense that is just more than the physical.

She already knows that unlike her relationship with her father, my relationship with my family isn't as open -- at least on my part. It's something that I have to work on. It's something that I am currently working on.

It's also something that I'm not good at.

It's something that will take, and demand, my time.

I really hope she understands.

PS. It was Trinity Broadcasting Network, not The Bible Network. It might as well be, though.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

"A man needs his rest."

Okay, so far, I'm still at work, and I'm pretty much annoyed that I'm required to be visible (well, most of the time) on Yahoo Messenger. The reason behind the aggravation being, that people I don't really want to get into contact with are buzzing me messages and what not. The reason behind being stuck at work being, that I'm only about two thirds into my 120 minute subtitling project.

This is approximately the latest that I've been holed up at work. Not that I don't mind, and not that there's much history to compare to. I mean, after all, I've only been here for about three weeks. Tomorrow, being my fifteenth day.

So what else to rant about? Oh, yeah, before I forget, the actual quote that got me ranting yesterday was this: "Aren't you glad he is using talent for the lord tonight and not for Satan, singing secular songs." So, my bad, I actually misquoted Paul Crouch Jr. last night. Not that it makes a difference.

Take that secular heathens.

My PC clock says 7:03; time to head home. It'll be a walk tonight. No spare change in my pocket, and I don't want to break my bills as I'm reserving that for the weekend and for my trip North to see my monkey of a Nephew.

I still wish he was named Rowan.

But hey, you can't argue with the mother. That, and Noah has a nice ring to it. Makes you think he'll be a leader someday.

I'm about to head home looking forward to dinner with K, a batch of DivX movies burned onto several DVD-R's, and much needed rest.

Good night internets. See you tomorrow.

PS. Call James E. when you reach the North.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"If his lips move, you should see text at the bottom."

New year, new job, and once again, new blog.

I've decided that I'll really try to do my best - yet again - and maintain a truly personal, today-I-ate-spaghetti, class of blog. While at the same time, funnel all of my geekery related posts into a separate blog.

That way my constant rants and ramblings about the recent games I've played, or the movies or shows I've seen, do not contaminate my daily I-ate-spaghetti posts.

I'm still contemplating where I should dump all my work related brain farts and musings, but for now, it seems like its lumping with the domestic topics is likely.

That aside, let's move to a topic that every self-respecting domestic "dear diary" should cover: How am I doing right now, and what's up with me so far.

Well, so far, nothing much is up.

I'm now a monkey's uncle for one thing. My sister gave birth a few dozen hours shy of Christmas, so that's definitely worth blogging about.

I lost my stay as an Customer Support Agent - for reasons I don't wish to discuss, ever - some time ago. But, no worries. I'm still not-so-gainfully employed.

I'm currently a subtitler at a production company called Twenty Plus. It's decent work. I just got promoted from trainee status to probationary status a week ago. Been there for around three weeks already, and so far I've subtitled an episode of New Adventures of Old Christine and an episode of Dallas. I've cleaned up several scripts for that CBS show, Medium. Also, fortunate for me, in my spare time, I've been able to observe my coworkers slave away on spotting (that's production jargon) subtitles for several episodes of the third season (I think, I'm not to sure) of Numbers.

My current project is something that aired on TBN (that's The Bible Network. for all of you secular heathens out there) last tenth. I think it's a show called Praise the Lord or something.

Anyhow, some crackpot named Kim Clement is on it, and so far it's been a hoot. How bad is it? Well the worst I've run into so far is actually hearing the host say to the audience "Aren't you glad he's singing Christian songs, and not helping out Satan by singing secular songs?" The host said this right after some guy named Michael English sang his guts out on stage.

But I digress.

Let's go back to the oddity at hand, which is: secular songs help Satan. Well, methinks you can't get anymore secular than Happy Birthday to You so yeah, a nice yearly jingle-ritual in front of an arbitrary number of candles and baked dough is an act that furthers the cause of El Diablo.

Go figure.

Whew. I think that counts as my work-rant for this post. Let's see if I could sneak a few more come the next one.

Anyhow, back to the domestic stuff. What else? Well, our apartment got robbed some time ago, but that's old news. Hmm. K and I spent our anniversary digesting her cooking and enjoying the wonderful combination that is vanilla ice-cream and boiled strawberries. Er, yeah. What else?


That's that I guess.

I have to close Notepad now, and cut and paste this block of text into blogger and go up and greet my girlfriend and tell her that I'm home from work.