Sunday, May 18, 2008

"No day but..."


One of the things I hate about being a twenty-something is that it is the age range wherein formalized gatherings usually mean that somebody is really, really sick, or someone just died.

Usually these gatherings are initiated by relatives or close friends. Sadly, the past few gatherings that was brought to my attention involved both death and sickness - the later being less direct than the former as the agenda of the gathering.

What's worse is the inevitability of the later leading to the former. The time between now, and that fatal conclusion though is where faith comes in. Faith mind you not, spirituality or religion. Although both spirituality and religion could both involve faith, faith itself could be divorced from massive doses of introspection or wisdom required by spirituality, or dogmatic beliefs in specific higher powers that religion asks of you.

The simple belief that everything will turn out okay, or is already okay, can move mountains.

Faith, the purest form of hope is what we - is what I - turn to during times like this.

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